Wednesday, February 22, 2023

KCA thanks Nollaig na mBan fundraisers for donation

KCA chairperson Ann Cashman with Paula Phelan and Michelle Reddy, and Antoinette Buckley of KCA.

A presentation of flowers was made by Kilcullen Community Action to Paula Phelan and Michelle Reddy last evening to thank them for a contribution of more than €2,000 to KCA funds, writes Brian Byrne.
The money had been raised by the pair at a very successful Nollaig na mBan event in Fallons in January. 
Thanking them for a 'fabulous donation', KCA chairperson Ann Cashman said that while the group works on many projects, none of them would be possible without funding, much of it coming from the extraordinary generosity of the community.
The well-attended meeting in the new Teach na nDaoine premises discussed the current status of KCA projects and the possibilities for expanding the group's activities, which would be dependent on having enough people interested in helping out.
We'll have further detail from the meeting here in coming days.

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