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Kilcullen Diary's Privacy Policy

How We Treat Your Personal Data

In the course of my/our work we gather personal data which is given to me/us by contacts and interviewees to allow me/us to carry out my/our journalistic work. This data is retained as it is necessary for the legitimate undertaking of this work. I/we do not use such data for marketing or any marketing-related activity.

This privacy notice is designed to advise you on how I/we keep and maintain your data safely and securely.

I/we will not share your contact details or personal data with anyone unless it is necessary to do so and you have given your consent.

It may not always be clear when an existing query requires me/us to make contact, and I/we may in due course need to make contact with some matter other than the one you initially got in touch about. We may also send you updated information on previous subjects about which we may have communicated, either face to face, by post or by electronic means. Therefore, I/we will retain your contact details such as landline phone number, mobile phone number, email address, and home address, unless:

you tell me/us you don’t want me/us to retain that information, or
I/we cease my/our journalistic activities through retirement or other reasons.

I/we retain email conversations that we have had so that I/we can get in touch again should I/we need your advice, knowledge, or to provide you with information.

All my/our electronic records are on secure servers within my/our control, or on the servers of my/our mail and cloud-space providers, which include Apple, Google, Yahoo, SmugMug/Flickr. Photographs which we have taken in the execution of our normal journalistic work may be available to the public on the internet via our postings on publishing and social media platforms, which include, but may not be limited to, Blogger, Twitter, and Facebook.

I/we follow best practice guidelines provided by the Data Protection Commissioner and keep our policy updated regularly.

If you have any further questions on the above, please call me/us on 086 8267104 or email me/us on

Brian Byrne, journalist, publisher, editor, Kilcullen Diary.

Kilcullen Diary Policy on Photographs.