Saturday, April 23, 2022

Full support at play for Pieta Gala Night

A full house for 'The Two Loves of Gabriel Foley' last night was the audience which went to support the local fundraising for Pieta, writes Brian Byrne.
The traditional Gala Night included a wine and finger-food reception, prompting a happy buzz of conversation and anticipation for the Kilcullen Drama Group presentation.
On behalf of the Pieta fundraising committee, Lorna Brophy thanked all who had come in support of the cause, and also the Drama Group for giving the proceeds of the evening. "They doing this for us means so much," she told the Diary.
She reminded everyone about the upcoming concert in the market square on Saturday 2 July with Niamh Kavanagh and the Illegals. "This will be followed on the next week, Saturday 9 July, by our Dawn Walk to New Abbey."
The Kilcullen Dawn Walk was inaugurated in 2015 by Lorna, with Richie Kelly, and became an annual event with the help of a number of others, including Alan O'Connell, Jackie Lambe, David Darcy and Richie Brophy.
An associated 'Twilight Chorus' concert was held in 2017 with Liam O Maonlai, the Kilcullen Gospel Choir and the Newbridge Three Sopranos.  A similar concert in 2018 was headlined by Mundy
There were no Dawn Walks during 2020-2021 because of the pandemic, but a 'Light Up the Bridge' campaign saw candles with up to 600 names placed on the bridge in both years.  "It was great during the pandemic keep the candles burning," says Lorna, noting that they are planning to do something similar as part of this summer's fundraising events.

All the photos from the play and the Preview and Gala Night attendances can be viewed and downloaded here

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