Saturday, July 24, 2021

Speed limits consultations open next Wednesday

The County Kildare Speed Limit Review will open for public consultation on Wednesday next, 28 July, writes Brian Byrne. For anyone who has concerns about speed limits in their local area, especially in light of suggestions that they are being raised in some cases, this will be the chance to have an input into the proposals. 

Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer (you can listen to her clip above from 19 May) has offered her help to anyone who needs help with submitting their comments, which can be done at the County Kildare consultation portal here, or at Call Tracey on 087 6533706 or send her a direct message on her Facebook page if you need help.

Submissions can also be made in writing to A/Senior Executive Officer, Roads, Transportation & Public Safety Dept, Arus Cill Dara on or before 5pm on Wednesday 25 August 2021.

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