Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Public submissions on speed proposals 'critical' - Kilcullen councillor

Public feedback into an upcoming consultation on speed limits is 'crucial', according to Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer, following a discussion on proposed limits revisions at the Kildare-Newbridge MD today, writes Brian Byrne.

The discussion was based on a report to Council members on their submissions in January to proposed speed limit changes in the County Speed Limit Review which would have included input from the Garda and the NTA.

Cllr O'Dwyer (listen to clip above) says that December presentation showed increases in rural road speed limits across the board, apparently in an attempt to 'bring uniformity' to managing speeds on the roads. "There were very few roads where limits were lowered." In the Kilcullen area, increases in limits were proposed for Sunnyhill and for other roads around, including Brannockstown, Gilltown, and near Halverstown school.

Members were asked to give their views, which they did. The report today, Speed Limit Schedule of Proposed Amendments Revision B, showed, Cllr O'Dwyer says, that some submissions were taken account of in the latest version, but others weren't. "I'm certainly not going to approve some elements of what is proposed for our area. The public will now have their say, and I think it is vital that they do so. I think there's great strength in volume, and the more feedback there is, I don't think it can be completely ignored."

The public will be asked for their views probably beginning in the next couple of weeks. After that, with any further revisions, the matter will go back to Council for approval. From there, Kildare County Council will submit the final proposals to the NTA. While there is no timeline for the next stages, it is likely that the matter won't be back before the full Council for final decisions until September.

Residents on Sunnyhill Road have been campaigning for a 50km/h speed limit since 2005. It is currently 60km/h along most of it, and under the latest proposals could be increased to 80km/h. "That beggars belief," one resident told the Diary today. Sunnyhill specifically came up in today's discussions, and Cllr O'Dwyer and others spoke against any speed increase there. 

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