Town Hall and Heritage Centre set for enhanced future
Visitors to the Kilcullen Town Hall and Heritage Centre yesterday were Mick McCoy and Ollie Delaney, pictured here with the Secretary of the facility's committee, Eilis Keogh, writes Brian Byrne.
A new committee has been set up to steer the centre to a busier future, and the Diary will be reporting shortly on the initial plans. In the revised committee, Esther O’Shea is Chair, Eilis Keogh Secretary and Nessa Dunlea Treasurer. Other members are Ray Kelly, Frank Mitchell and Graham Dowling.
The Heritage Centre was established in the year 2000 as part of a major refurbishment of the Town Hall premises under the direction of the late Pat Dunlea.
The Town Hall has a history as a community facility on the site going back to the 1930s, and recently a cinema part of that past has been successfully revived by the Kilcullen Lions Club, in association with Access Cinema.
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