Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Date set for next public input on Design Statement

A set of themed workshops will be held in Kilcullen Town Hall on Saturday 12 February to give local residents an opportunity for further input into the development of a Design Statement for the town, writes Brian Byrne.

Organised by Kilcullen Community Action and consultants The Paul Hogarth Company, the four themes chosen are Infrastructure and Linkages, Heritage and Natural Assets, Futureproofing and Sustainability, and Recreation for All.

The drop-in event will run from 10am-1pm on the day. The organisers are encouraging everyone with an interest in the community's future to attend in order to help influence what happens in their local area over the coming years.

The findings from these workshops will directly contribute to the preparation of the Kilcullen Design Statement and Action Plan which will be shared in draft prior to finalisation in the Spring of 2022.

The results of an initial public consultation survey on the project, undertaken last November, were discussed with KCA two weeks ago. 

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