Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Local students bring Ulysses to Instagram on centenary

Transition Year students Amy Moran from CPC and Rebecca Andrée from Newbridge College, who both live in Calverstown, are playing their own part in the centenary celebrations for the launch of James Joyce's Ulysses, which ramp up in Paris today, writes Brian Byrne.

As part of the Ulysses 100 Project organised by their Calverstown neighbour Susan Leybourne, the two girls contacted bookshops around the country, asking them to send in photos of Ulysses displays to show on their @ulyssesliterarylioness Instagram page.

"Susan was my French teacher from when I was very young," Amy says, "and she asked us if we'd like to be involved in her project, which includes the launch of an e-book in Paris to mark the centenary."

Rebecca says they got a very positive response from the bookshops that they contacted. "A lot of them hadn't thought about doing a display, and they were happy to do so and send in pictures. It would also be publicity for them."

Amy says the project gave them the opportunity to learn a lot about Ulysses and about Joyce himself. "We've learned a lot of his quotes, and about his view on life as well, which is interesting."

The two girls live close to each other in Calverstown and are longtime friends, "so it has been a lot of fun working together on this," Rebecca says.

Rebecca and Amy are pictured above with local TD and Minister of State Martin Heydon in Woodbine Books in Kilcullen.

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