Saturday, February 29, 2020

Crime in Kilcullen 'very low', but community urged to be vigilant

Crime in Kilcullen is 'very low' compared to some other areas in the Naas Garda District, the Crime Awareness meeting held last week heard, writes Brian Byrne. The meeting was hosted by the Kilcullen Garda District Text Alert.

However, a lot of burglaries in November and December, and a more than doubling of Kilcullen District instances in the year to date 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, from two to five, reflected the situation across all of south Kildare.

Superintendent Oliver Henry with gardai from Kilcullen and the Naas Garda District.
"The area was 'ravaged' by a foreign national group which came in for a 'spree'," Superintendent Oliver Henry told the well-attended meeting in the Parish Centre. "As well as crime itself we have a concern about fear of crime, and while people might be worried that the situation is like November-December all the time, the reality is that in Kilcullen crime is low."

He noted that the manpower in the Kilcullen station is now up to full strength, with a Sergeant and six Garda members attached. He pointed out the comparison with 2015 when the Kilcullen station had just one Garda, and this time last year when there was just a part-time Sergeant and three gardai.

The Kilcullen Sub-District now operates from Ballymore to Narraghmore, while the remit of the overall Naas District takes in Kilcullen, Naas, Clane and Robertstown.

Superintendent Henry also commented on the increase in manpower in the overall District dedicated to drugs enforcement. In 2015 there was nobody, this time last year there were two, and now there are five.

"These extra dedicated officers have allowed us to make a significant impact on the drugs situation in the District, but that's still just a drop in the ocean," he said, adding that there is a 'very big increase' in observation of cocaine use. "It's all ages, in pubs and licenced premises."

Noting that the Garda members attached to Kilcullen are 'all community gardai at heart', Supt Henry outlined some of the instances of community engagement. These include talks in the primary schools of Halverstown, Ballyshannon, Scoil Bhride, Brannockstown, and Ballymore. There are also talks planned for CPC on youth crime and careers in the Garda.

"There were Kilcullen students on our TY engagement programme, in which we include a day at Mondello on safe driving techniques. We do that three times a year." The Superintendent added that the Garda is always happy to work with any community groups, "we're eager to get involved."

Gda Jon Brien gave a presentation on home and car security, noting from contacts with people in Kilcullen that 'thefts and burglaries are a big topic of conversation'. He outlined details from the 'Light Up, Lock Up' advice campaign, and also advised on what characteristics around a property might attract a burglar.

"High hedges are not generally a good thing, as they can give cover for burglars to work," he gave as one example, also noting that burglaries and thefts are in the main 'opportunistic', and that residents and car owners should always be vigilant about their security arrangements.

Gda Brien urged people to 'make the call' if they see anything that 'looks out of place'. "Nobody knows their area like the people living in it, so always call us. Even if the station is closed for some reason, the call will divert to our mobile phones. Don't feel that you're bothering us, we will always respond."

Sgt Tom O'Donoghue noted that all the gardai attached to Kilcullen live in or close to the town. He repeated Gda Brien's advice on 'making the call'. "If there's a break-in in our area, we take it personally," he said. "If you come across a car that looks suspicious, ring it in, we'll check it out. Nothing is too much trouble, nothing is a bother, ring it in straight away."

Chair of the Kilcullen Garda District Text Alert Sabina Reddy told the meeting that her group is working 'more and more closely' with the gardai. "It you are signed up to Text Alert, the call does directly to the Garda." She urged estates in the town to sign up.

Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer, who with Cllr Ivan Keatley sits on the County Kildare Joint Policing Committee with Kildare County Council, thanked the gardai for their work in Kilcullen, a lot of it 'behind the scenes'. "I also see them walking up and down the street in Kilcullen, and that's great."

The evening also involved a demonstration of security property marking, given by Gda Sean O'Mahoney of Athy.

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