Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Cycleway included in Kilcullen Settlement Plan objectives

A boardwalk style active travel bridge adjacent to the current bridge at Kilcullen is one of the objectives accepted in the passing of the Kilcullen Settlement Plan by councillors yesterday, writes Brian Byrne. The facility is envisaged to be part of a cycleway along the river.
It was one of the motions on the Settlement Plan put forward by Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer. Other objectives accepted included improving the quality of paving and lighting, identifying parking opportunities, and securing land for expansion of local schools and for age-friendly accommodation.
A footbridge across the river, a skate park, and designating Kilcullen as an Architectural Conservation Area were other motions forwarded by Cllr O'Dwyer and accepted for what she describes as 'a framework to how we want to see our town develop'. "I've worked hard on this over the last six months to ensure that Kilcullen is well served into the future," she says, "and as a local councillor raised and residing in Kilcullen, this plan means a great deal to me." 
The proposed material alterations to the Settlement Plan will be on public display within two weeks.

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