Monday, June 17, 2024

CPC gets funding for pilot physical activity programme

Cross and Passion College has been selected for a pilot programme focused on physical activity in teaching and learning, writes Brian Byrne. The school is among 24 nationwide to be part of the programme.
Funding for the initiative, announced by the Minister of State for Sport, Physical Education & The Gaeltacht, Thomas Byrne TD, will be for the 2024-2025 school year. A range of projects under the programme will include “STEMOLYMPICS - Racing Towards Data Discovery”; “Exploring Our Heritage, A Local History Orienteering Podcast”; and “Promoting Gymnastics through Drama and Music”.
The news has been welcomed by local TD and Minister Martin Heydon, who said the initiative should provide some interesting new learning opportunities for the CPC school community by integrating physical activity into the teaching and learning of other curricular areas. He congratulated the school on their successful application.
Senator Fiona O'Loughlin has also welcomed the news, saying that the project will help show the many ways that physical activity can be used a means of delivering teaching and learning outcomes. "I look forward to following the rollout of the project," she said.


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