Sunday, November 05, 2023

Superheroes and gamers take over Community Centre

The full buzz in Kilcullen today is at the Community Centre, where the first Gaming and Pop Culture Market in the town is being held for fans of old video games, anime, and cosplay, writes Brian Byrne.
Particularly popular are the superheroes (and villains) of comics and movies as portrayed by Reel Icons, who captured Enda and Mark from the Community Centre for the photo above.
The event includes opportunities to compete in games which have been popular since as far back as Atari and PSS, and there are also other competitions and raffles. The show has been something of a sellout, with fans of all types of pop culture and gaming catered for.
Among the many stands are vintage electronic games, comics and graphic novels, art and crafts, badges, posters, tee-shirts and more. Today's show is an attempt to fill a gap in the market for gamer interests.
"The idea was that with Gamestop and Argos taken out of the country, we set up this to show that there are venues possible around the country where you can still buy these," says organiser of Irish Gaming Market Seamus Fanning. "There's a bit of a void with the stores gone, and an event like this is an opportunity for fans to do their Christmas shopping."
In addition to pop memorabilia, there's also a room where those interested in modelling games can get help and advice on making and painting their model soldiers and warriors.
Our pictures here give a much better idea of what's going on than we can do with just words.

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