Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Water supply almost fully restored

Water tanks in Lui na Greine and Link Park.

Residents of Lui na Greine had their water supply restored last night around 11pm, following work by Uisce Eireann on a burst water main, writes Brian Byrne.
Supply had earlier been restored to Moanbane Park yesterday afternoon. Hermitage Park, Kilcullen will be without water today while repairs are being carried out. "It is expected to have the issue fully resolved later today," says Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer. "The good news is that the source of the leak has been identified."
The disruption included areas around Silliot Hill, Logstown, and Naas Road Kilcullen, and was reported to Uisce Eireann on Monday morning. The initial estimate for repair works was to have had them completed by 9pm on Monday evening, but yesterday emergency supplies of water were delivered to Lui na Greine and the Link Business Park.
"They delivered bottles of water to the houses, and installed the water tanks," Paul Leighton told the Diary last evening.
NOTE: This article was amended from Tuesday evening's posting, when Lui na Greine was still without supply.

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