Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Kilcullen to receive a 2023 Tidy Towns Award

Kilcullen Community Action Tidy Towns representatives have been invited to Croke Park on Friday next to be presented with an award at the national announcement of Supervalu Tidy Towns 2023 winners, writes Brian Byrne.
It will be the fourth time Kilcullen has received awards at the event, including one for third place in County Kildare and one for the biggest increase in marks in the county.
A delegation of three from KCA will be attending the event, which will be streamed live here
At this time they have no idea of what award they'll be getting. Indeed, the fact that they are getting one at all was a surprise yesterday. "We only discovered we were getting it when head office phoned to see if we were going as we hadn’t responded to invitation," Noel Clare told the Diary today. "But we hadn't received the invitation!"

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