Cinema coming back to Kilcullen
This is the logo for a new entertainment venture in Kilcullen organised by the Lions Club, writes Brian Byrne. Expect to see much more of it.
As previously reported, the Club is bringing back cinema to Kilcullen, reviving a use of the Town Hall that has been dormant since the mid-1970s. Prior to that it had been a successful cinema since 1941.
Kilcullen Lions Club have successfully applied for membership of Access Cinema, a resource organisation for regional cultural cinema exhibition in Ireland, funded by the Arts Council. Access Cinema negotiates with film distributors, and provides to its members lists of commercial and cultural films and documentaries available for screening.
More details will be available soon, but the inaugural screening will be on Wednesday 27 September featuring 'The Fablemans'. Tickets will be available on Eventbrite.
To facilitate the project, improvements have been made to the digital projection equipment in the Town Hall Theatre.
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