Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Brannoxtown CNS Graduations

Yesterday, Brannoxtown CNS celebrated the graduation of nine students from 6th class. At the graduation ceremony, Sarah FitzPatrick, Principal, called on students to share some national/world events from the year they were born (2010/2011). Some important events of the time, according to students, included President Barak Obama’s official visit to Ireland (Moneygall), and the opening of Tayto Park! 
She also asked graduates to cast their minds back to their first major transition to ‘big school’ in 2015. Among highlights of that year, the longest-running number-one single was ‘Uptown Funk’ by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars. Sarah and parents noted that this was now ‘classic pop’ for today’s graduates! 
Over their eight years of primary school, Sarah reminded students of all they had achieved. A slideshow review provided lots of snapshots of their learning adventures in 6th class. She shared three messages with students: to believe in yourself, to be the best version of yourself and to keep a growth mindset (always learning and open to new ideas). 
Mitzie Day, representing the Parent Association, presented the first gifts to students — beautiful hand-stitched birds, each with the student’s name, lovingly created over many months by Mitzie herself. She explained the symbolism of the gift to students — when the balloon on their gift-box deflates/bursts, to remember they have wings to fly. Graduating students also received a framed origami keepsake with their school uniform, crest and year of graduation, beautifully created by Nicola Paquin. Graduates’ gift bags included a white tee-shirt emblazoned with their name and graduating year, created by MĂșinteoir Lyndsey, using her cricutter … and a sharpie for tee-shirt autographs! 
In her final words to students, Sarah (Senior Room Teacher) repeated her opening words to students:
Behind you… all your memories.
Before you… all your dreams.
Around you… all who love and respect you.
Within you… all you need.
With the ‘formal proceedings’ behind them, graduates took time to pose for photos, some changing into their own clothes, to celebrate the ‘end-of-primary-school’. All took a moment to enjoy the stunning work of art, the Graduation Cake, from ‘Ruth’s HomeBaked Kitchen’. In a heartbeat, it was demolished — icing and all!

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