Thursday, March 16, 2023

Old Kilcullen association very pleased with Heritage Trail interest

Examining the details and (inset) Christy Howard.

The turnout for last Saturday's display of the study for a heritage trail at Old Kilcullen showed a 'great interest' in the project, according to Christy Howard of the Old Kilcullen Area Community Association, writes Brian Byrne.
The display in Halverstown School was hosted by Kildare County Council, to assess reaction to the feasibility study carried out by Hayes Ryan Landscape Architects. The initiative was proposed by the OKACA and the study funded by the Department of Rural Affairs under its Outdoor Recreation Grant Scheme.
"There were some great favourable comments about it, and also some issues thrown up that will have to be dealt with as well," Christy Howard told the Diary. "It’s an open project at the minute and we very much want the residents to get involved — and it looks like they want to be, from the great turnout on Saturday."
He said the next step is putting the 'mechanics' of the proposal in place, following the comments from the display morning. "Then we can come back to the people again with a sort of three-dimensional look at the plan, in which we can show a good trail based on the comments, ideas and the reservations brought up."
Kildare County Council was represented at the event by Simon Wallace, Acting Senior Parks & Landscaping Officer, and Geraldine Hayes represented the consultants and explained the detail of the study to all who came.

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