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Friday, March 03, 2023

'It's OK, He's American' and 'Sentient' performed in Woodbine

There was a full house audience in Woodbine Books last evening for a books launch and reading by poets Arnie Yasinski and Alison Hackett, writes Brian Byrne.
A preamble conversation by both provided personal insights for those present which informed the later performed works. Our short video above, where each of the poets read a poem written about their father, offers a taste of the two-hander event.
Yasinski's It’s Okay, He’s American and Hackett's Sentient are anthologies both connected by themes including fathers, teachers, drink, religion and politics.
The books are produced by Twenty First Century Renaissance, an independent publishing house founded by Alison Hackett. They are available in Woodbine Books.

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