Saturday, February 25, 2023

Ger says farewell to the street after 36 years of business

Just two of scores of well-wishers: Kathleen Houlihan and Nessa Dunlea, wishing Ger well.

If Ger's Fruit & Veg seemed exceptionally busy today, the steady stream of people going in and out was for a very special reason, writes Brian Byrne. Customers and others were all arriving wish Ger Wixted all the best in her retirement.
"The cards and such emotional messages are unbelievable," she said as the Diary caught up with her for a few moments. "There are even young people coming in, with cards, bottles of wine, sent by their parents ... I don't even know who some of them were."
After 36 years selling fruit and vegetables on the main street, 20 of them from a section of Nolans before she moved to her own shop for the last 16, Ger admits that it is a 'difficult' day, leaving what has been as much a social hub for many people as it was her business, helped for many years by her sister Pat who retired herself a short while ago.
And for the future, apart from spending more time with the family? "I don't make plans," she said firmly. "I don't like to say what I'll do and then maybe not be able to do it, so no, no plans."
Main street won't be the same. But, like everybody else who has been in and out of the shop, we wish Ger well in whatever the future may bring in its own way.

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