Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Council to consider taking Cnoc na Gréine in charge

The taking in charge of Cnoc na Gréine estate is one of a number of Kilcullen-related items on the agenda for the full meeting of Kildare County Council on 16 November 2022, writes Brian Byrne
The long-running issue is down for consideration under the Building and Development Control items for discussion.
In addition, two motions by Cllr Tracey O’Dwyer are scheduled, one asking that the council carry out out a safety assessment on the two official bus stops at Kinneagh Cross, with a view to installing a hard stand area for people to safely stand in off the road. Closer to town, the councillor is also asking the council to repaint the yellow box at the Back Lane entrance leading to the Eurospar supermarket car park.
Cllr O’Dwyer also has a question asking if the council can confirm how many people have listed Kilcullen as their first preference on the housing list, broken down by year, showing time on the list and by housing need such as 1-bed or 2-bed accommodation.
The meeting is scheduled to start at 10.30am on the day.

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