Sunday, March 27, 2022

Cnoc na Greine AGM hears progress on taking in charge

Committee members (front) Kristina Marcihkiehe, Kamila Saternus and Lavina Sunderland with some of the attendance at the AGM.

The process of getting Cnoc na Greine taken in charge is continuing, the AGM of the estate's residents association heard this evening, writes Brian Byrne
The meeting in Kilcullen Community Centre was given an update on the TIC progress by Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer, who noted that there is currently correspondence between the legal representatives of Kildare County Council and Irish Water towards a resolution of some of the issues. The efforts have been ongoing over several years and will still take further time. In the meantime, the residents will be keeping the pressure on for a conclusion. 
There was also a presentation by Ann Cashman of Kilcullen Community Action, who outlined various activities undertaken in the community and with estates over recent years. She said KCA will always welcome involvement from individuals and groups like the residents associations.
Mark Reid spoke about the work of Kilcullen Community 4 Climate Action, including tree planting in the estate and noted that a community compost bin is being installed in Cnoc na Greine. 
The outgoing committee of Mark Phelan, Kristina Marcihkiehe, Kamila Saternus and Lavina Sunderland are continuing in place for another year. Chairman Mark Phelan was unable to attend this evening's meeting.
The meeting also discussed a range of ongoing initiatives, including grass cutting, new tree planting, tree management by Kildare County Council, clean-up days, speeding signage and the estate's Walking Group. 

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