Thursday, October 13, 2022

Presidential Award for Teresa Lambe

Teresa Lambe by Zoom at the launch of the Bursary in her name last year.

Professor Teresa Lambe, originally from Kilcullen, is a recipient of the 2022 Presidential Distinguished Service Award for the Irish Abroad.
One of the co-developers of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, Teresa works at The Jennings Institute at Oxford University, and is the daughter of Mary and Tony Lambe of Nicholastown.
The Awards recognise the service given to this country or to Irish communities abroad by those who live outside Ireland.
Irish dancer Morgan Bullock, and Paralympic cyclist Katie-George Dunlevy are also among those named in the Awards, as are Mary Ellen McGroarty, who works for the World Food Programme in Afghanistan, and Fr Richard (Dick) O’Riordan, a missionary in South Africa.
A Teresa Lambe Bursary Fund was launched in Kilcullen a year ago, intended for girls at CPC going on to study science and technology subjects at third level. 

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