Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Tourism Information sign put in place

The long-awaited Kilcullen Tourist Information sign was erected this afternoon at Market Square, writes Brian Byrne.
The sign is the final one in a set commissioned by Kilcullen Community Action and funded with the help of Kildare Leader Partnership. It was put in place by Kildare County Council, who also erected the approach signs to the town earlier this year. The rest of the set are educational and information signs about local biodiversity, placed in strategic locations in the Valley park and along Pinkeen stream.

The Tourist Information sign has a town area map and another with more detail of the town centre, including walking trails and other information. The rest of the sign comprises historical, heritage and facilities images and information, including the bridge, Old Kilcullen, the 150-year-old parish church, the Community Centre and more.

The graphic design was by Sean Sourke and Niamh O'Connor, and in addition to Leader funding the project was supported by the Kildare Local Community Development Committee and by Kildare County Council.
A previous plan to place the sign outside the Heritage Centre was changed when it was realised that the number of services under the footpath there would make putting in proper foundations very difficult.

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