Friday, August 26, 2022

Businesses help will trim Christmas Lights electricity costs

A significant saving on the annual Christmas Lights will be achieved for this year’s programme thanks to the generosity of local businesses, writes Brian Byrne.
The August meeting of Kilcullen Community Action heard that both The Spout and McTernans pubs had agreed to provide electrical connections to sections of the lights, at no charge to KCA.
Ray Kelly reminded those present that a substantial part of the electricity costs related to the standing charges incurred from three ESB metered connections for the lights, even though they are not in use for most of the year.
He said the deal with the two pubs will mean two of the ESB connections can be ended. He added that he was confident a similar deal can be negotiated to eliminate the need for the third.
The matter came up when treasurer Brigid Ryan noted that KCA had spent €4,500 on the lights for last Christmas, with a figure for the ESB charge still pending.

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