Monday, July 25, 2022

Councillors vote down Speed Limit Review proposals

Councillors voted down the county Speed Limit Review presented to them today in a special meeting of Kildare County Council, writes Brian Byrne.
While the vote was not unanimous, it followed a robust debate in which local representatives expressed their concerns about increasing speed limits on rural roads.
Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer raised her own concerns about proposals to increase the 60km/h speed limit on the Sunnyhill Road to 80km/h and, speaking to the proposal, said she would be voting against it for that reason. She told the meeting that if appeals were already being considered in relation to some roads, and 'engineering solutions' were being put in place, it was an indication that the limits review process is somehow flawed.
"At a time when we are trying to encourage people to walk and cycle more, increasing the speed in my opinion goes against this," she said. "The objective appears to be to streamline speeds on our roads — I would prefer to see the objective to be to make our roads safer for all road users."
The meeting also clarified the fact that Jakes Law, which sets limits of 30km/h in housing estates, can only be implemented in estates that have been taken in charge.

READ: Viewpoint: Back on the Sunnyhill Road 

READ: Deadline for speed limit submissions is Thursday

READ: Viewpoint: Insanity in speed limit proposals 

LISTEN: Strong reaction to proposed speed limit changes 

LISTEN: Speed limits proposal 'beggars belief' 

READ: Sunnyhill Road speed to be raised under proposals revealed today 

READ: Speed limits consultations open next Wednesday 

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