Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Sunnyhill Road speed to be raised under proposals revealed today

Under the Speed Limits Review for the Kilcullen area, it is proposed to raise the limits on the Sunnyhill Road and Milemill Road from 60km/h to 80km/h, writes Brian Byrne.

The proposed changes went live for public consultation from Kildare County Council this morning at 9am, and submissions can be made until 25 August 2021 at 5pm.

In Brannockstown, a section of the road to Ballymore currently at 60km/h would be reduced to 50km/h under the proposals.

In May, the Diary reported by way of podcast the view of two local councillors about the proposals, those for the Sunnyhill Road being described as 'beggars belief'.

We will be following up this story over the next days as we get reaction from residents in the affected area.

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