Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Work on new path at Community Centre

Work has begun today on the new walkway which will join the Kilcullen Community Centre and Avondale Estate, writes Brian Byrne.

A joint project between Kilcullen AFC and the Centre, the all-concrete section now being built will replace the unofficial mud path and the gravel section between the all weather pitch and the Community Childcare Centre.

When completed it will join with a section of tarmac path recently laid by Kildare County Council contractors when they were upgrading footpaths in Avondale.

The concrete for the path is being donated by Kilsaran.

The joint venture follows the removal of a path around the AFC pitch which was in a bad state of repair. Removing it means the soccer club will be able to put two pitches where there is now just one.

Pictured are Centre Manager Enda O'Neill and AFC's Greg Curran.

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