Thursday, March 24, 2022

Minister opens Upstairs at The Old Hardware

An awkward precedent was set today at The Old Hardware in Narraghmore by Minister Heather Humphreys, writes Brian Byrne. She arrived on time for her scheduled 2.30pm visit.
You could almost see the worry on Minister Martin Heydon's face as he wondered will he have to do the same on his rounds in the future ...?
The Minister for Social Protection was wearing her other hat of Rural and Community Development on the visit, one of six venues today where she was seeing examples of how rural development funds are transforming essential areas of small communities.
The Old Hardware is one such, having received €80,000 during its development as a community hub from being a closed-down hardware store in the south Kildare village.
The others were in Athy, Crookstown, Monasterevin, Kildare town and Lowtown.
At The Old Hardware the Minister was shown around by Sinead Pullen of the Narraghmore Development Association, the group which initiated the refurbishment of the building as a community hub and cafe, as well as a shop for necessities.
The enterprise used the visit to mark the official opening of the upstairs room at the Old Hardware, which can be used for meetings, classes, and a range of other activities including the Chair Yoga conducted by Maryclare McMahon which was happening during the visit.
Also in attendance in addition to Minister Heydon were Cllr Ivan Keatley and Senator Fiona O'Loughlin, and other members of the Narraghmore Development Association, as well as former Leader of Fine Gael, Kildare resident Alan Dukes.
Minister Humphreys met with a number of the some 30 volunteers who help run the Old Hardware, as well as customers, and also browsed the craft shop part of the initiative.
She also met Melanie Treacy, of Mel's pub located beside the Old Hardware ("the best pub in Narraghmore" she was correctly assured).

A selection of the Diary's pictures from the event are below. All of them can be viewed here.

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