Tuesday, October 12, 2021

New Sunnyhill road lining demonstrates unsuitability for trucks, higher speed

Pics provided by resident.

Kildare County Council has recently put centre and edge lines on the Sunnyhill Road, which has at least made travelling the route light in poor conditions a little easier, writes Brian Byrne.

It's believed locally that the lines may be an effort to bolster the County Council's proposal to increase the speed limit on the road from 60km/h to 80km/h, which has been the subject of much recent local concern.

But paradoxically, the lines have demonstrated even more graphically that Sunnyhill is no safe route for the trucks which have been using it in increasing numbers over recent years. Nor for any increase in speed limits.

The pictures above taken today by a resident show that really well. If the Council's Traffic Department persists in the notion of increasing the speed limit, the Department itself is a nonsense.

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