Tuesday, October 26, 2021

More badness about, last night

This is just another finger in the eye of the community from someone intent on criminal mischief last night, writes Brian Byrne.

Following on from the vandalism of two other bridge flower displays on Sunday night, this time it took a great deal more effort. But the depredation is correspondingly worse.

It took strength to break the yellow box on the Camphill side of the bridge from its bolted-in mountings and then toss it into the river below.

"It's shocking to think that after all the work to make Kilcullen look well, to see the  damage to the displays on the bridge is really sad," says KCA's Antoinette Buckley, who with Anne Cashman personally created the Halloween displays in the boxes this year. "Obviously the later opening hours in the pubs is not helping."

It's badness, plain and simple.

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