Sunday, March 07, 2021

The women who inspired Tracey O'Dwyer

To mark International Women’s Day 2021 Cllr Tracey O’Dwyer has kicked off a social media initiative to highlight women who have inspired her, writes Brian Byrne.

Using the #inspiredme hashtag, she’s asking others in Kilcullen — women and men — to do the same to mark the day, which is tomorrow, Monday 8 March.

In her post, Tracey has posted pictures and a comment about the ‘strong, funny, loyal, determined, and live-life-to-the-full’ women who have guided her through her life. “Everything I am today is because of them and I’m eternally grateful," she says in her post, which she has put on Facebook and Instagram.

The women are led by her mother, Geraldine Clifford O’Dwyer, ‘devoted mother, hard working, always planning ahead or scheming up some idea’; Lizzie Landers, her ‘second Mam, indredibly hard working and full of devilment’; Tracey’s sister Gail ‘a determined go-getter’; Dr Emma Birchall, a former dance pupil of Tracey’s, ‘embraces everything life has to offer’; Marjorie O’Connell, ‘an absolute Lady’; Tracey’s aunt, Cora O’Dwyer, ‘family was everything’; Dida McDonald, ‘loyal friend that never steered me wrong’; Former dance pupil and architectural student Megan Carey, ‘incredibly kind and big-hearted’; Patricia Fusco, ‘a gifted, independent woman’ and Maria Walsh MEP, whose achievements are ‘an inspiration to us all’.

For anyone who wants to follow Tracey’s lead, take a look at her post to see how it’s done. 

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