Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Swarming bees relocated from Cnoc na Greine

Local beekeeping enthusiast Paul Leighton got an emergency call from residents of Cnoc na Greine yesterday to deal with a swarm which had alighted in part of the estate, writes Brian Byrne.

He came to the rescue and successfully collected the swarm, and then rehoused them in a hive.

"Around this time of the year a queen can lead away part of the swarm in a hive, leaving a daughter queen to take over," he says. "They'll sometimes temporarily locate like this while seeking a permanent home. This one took a little time to sort out."

He told the Diary that the operation proved to be very interesting to both adults and children in Cnoc na Greine. "There must have been about 20 people looking on."

Interest in beekeeping has increased over the last couple of years. Apart from Paul himself, who has a number of hives located around and beyond the Kilcullen area, there are at least five more local beekeepers, to his knowledge.

Paul also looks after the Community Beehive, which he says is doing well. There were two, but one died off over the winter. "Just nature taking its own course," he says.

The Diary will be posting a podcast in the next couple of days, featuring Paul talking about the progress of the KCA Pollinator Plan and biodiversity.

(Photos by Majella Leighton.)

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