Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Scoil Bhride Covid-19 artwork is amazing

An extraordinary compilation of artwork created last week by pupils of Scoil Bhride gives a glimpse of how that particular group of Kilcullenites have thought about the Covid-19 crisis, writes Brian Byrne.

The school set the project for 'Creativity Week' for their online learning, to reflect on the virus and their lockdown experience.

"They came up with some amazing ideas," says Eileen O'Keefe, the 6th Class teacher and Art coordinator in the school. "The pictures here are just some of the results from students, ranging from Infants to 6th Class."

The exhibits went from well-researched poster productions about 'The Covid-19 Pandemic of 2020' to poems to folder books like 'My Covid-19 experience' to the seriously talented portrait of a masked woman.

Take the time to browse each one for a very revealing aspect of Covid-19 as seen through the youngsters in our community's eyes. One of the beautiful things about it is the amount of humour evident.

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