Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Cycle up de miles for Children's Health Ireland

A nice idea for family days out in the saddle comes from an initiative to raise funds for Children's Health Ireland at Temple Street Hospital and CMRF Crumlin, writes Brian Byrne.

'Tour De County' is a challenge to clock up 'miracle miles' on our bicycles by touring the beauty and interesting sites of individual counties ... in our case, Kildare.

Given the fact that most overseas holidays are gone by the board for this year, and that there's been a noticeable increase in family cycling during the lockdown, it's a real opportunity to explore our county, and raise funds to fight child illnesses. Doesn't have to be a marathon, spins around our own area, or various trips to different parts, all count.

The full process is here. But basically you register with tourdecountycmrf@childrenshealth.ie. Then set up a fundraising page on JustGiving here (Crumlin) or here (Temple Street), depending on which hospital you want your funds directed to (you can let them know by email if you want your donations split equally)

The pages linked above give suggested tour routes for every county, in case you're at a loss where to go.

Check it out, have a think, then go for a cycle or two, or ten or more, for CHI.

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