Monday, May 11, 2020

Bad behaviour on Mass Path a risk to amenity

On a downside to all the positive things visible in the community, we're getting reports of a lot of wipes, dog dirt, and drink cans along the Mass Path through New Abbey Stud lands, and in the field beside the graveyard, writes Brian Byrne.

Our understanding is that if this persists, the area may be closed off to the public by the landowner.

"This is a wonderful amenity, enjoyed by generations of Kilcullen people," one resident who uses the walk told the Diary this afternoon. "It could be closed because of the mindless activity of a few.

"Also, hanging a bag of dog's shit on a tree does not mean it will magically disappear."

UPDATE: In fairness, your editor took a walk down there this evening, and whatever rubbish there had been is cleared. Let's all make sure it stays that way.

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