Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Woodbine Books and the Kildare Readers Festival

It’s a little way down the track but space will be limited so book lovers will want to book early for the Patricia Gibney evening in Woodbine Books, writes Brian Byrne.

The event is scheduled for Thursday 10 October in the bookshop, kicking off at 6pm. It is in association with the Kildare Readers Festival and Kilcullen Library. Book at 045 482193 or email kilcullenlib@kildarecoco.ie.

Woodbine Books will also be the venue for the Kildare Readers Festival Launch on Monday 30 September, at 7pm. The evening will introduce Kildare’s recently appointed Writers in Residence, Annemarie Ni Churreain and Sue Rainsford.

Both will read from their work and talk about their writing and their hopes for their Kildare residency.

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