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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

If a tree could talk of '98

Kilcullen could have one of the highest and oldest oak trees in Kildare, one which was already an established young tree during the 1798 Rebellion.


The oak is on the property of Tony and Geraldine Gahan, and they have made a submission to have it protected by a Tree Preservation Order in the Kilcullen Area Draft Development Plan.

"I've measured it roughly using the standard ways of working out the age of such trees," says Geraldine, who has always had a particular fascination with trees generally. "According to my calculations it is definitely older than 200 years. I have asked the Tree Council of Ireland to come and measure it properly with a view to having it included in their Register of Champion Trees.

"It is easily the most impressive tree in Kilcullen and must be protected."

Brian Byrne.