Any views on parking?
On the parking situation in Kilcullen, previously mentioned here, it might be no harm to muse around a few solutions.
It was mooted last year that Kildare County Council might surface, line and light the Parish Car Park in return for its use as a public facility. The Diary isn't aware of the status of that suggestion just now. It might be in Limbo ... except that Limbo has been officially abolished.
But let's look at some options, which could be taken up by the Council or by private concerns.
The Council already owns the land occupied by the Library, a facility only used a few times a week. There's a fair bit of grassed-in space around the building, which isn't used for anything. Why not tarmac that and line it, and widen the entrance to permit safe ingress and egress? That would at least take up the cars which currently line the Chapel Road and cause major difficulties for traffic.
Across from the Hideout there's significant parking potential in the Cross & Passion College/KARE complex. The high wall will soon be taken down and replaced by a railing ... it wouldn't take a lot more to extend the existing tarmac inside and line it for parking purposes. The Council could presumably pay CPC/KARE for the use of the facility?
Then there is the extensive parking available at the Cattle Mart, used only one day a week. A similar arrangement whereby the Council surfaces and lines the property in return for its public use would be useful too.We often wonder, also, why shoppers coming in to Kilcullen at weekends don't use the lined spaces in front of Scoil Bhride ... it isn't much of a walk into town from there.
All the foregoing is just by way of reminding that there is a real need to develop a traffic management and parking plan for Kilcullen.
Maybe the Council has one in mind, or even developed? If the former, wouldn't it be nice if they consulted with us while they work it out? If the latter, wouldn't it be nice if they showed it?
Brian Byrne.
Some earlier posts on parking in Kilcullen:
Signs of the times
Parking problems raised
Church car park developing