Sunday, November 13, 2005

Brass capping plan downgraded

A plan to provide a brass capping on the existing railings of the bridge, as part of a refurbishment project, has now been downgraded to the provision of a timber capping.

The recent meeting of Kilcullen Community Action heard that there had been a 'difficulty in sourcing' the brass version.

Commenting on the matter, Herbie Sheehan suggested that the timber capping would be welcomed by the 'the lads with the pen-knives' and might even attract the attention of people with cigarette lighters.

Meanwhile, work on the bridge has commenced with the removal of the old street lights which had been bolted into some of the piers.

No final plan for the works has been displayed in the town by Kildare County Council, although from previous reports on the matter here, it does seem that they remain controversial and unclear.

Brian Byrne.

Previous stories on this topic:

'Dismissal' of community views on bridge?
Bridge work to be finished quickly
Bridge proposals discussed
Discussion on bridge money spending
Special meeting on town improvements
Only six months to spend €100,000