Thursday, September 22, 2005

Bridge proposals discussed

Some of the features used in the streetscape development of Abbeyleix in Co Laois have been used in examples of details proposed for the refurbishment of the bridge in Kilcullen.

They include lighting and pavement designs, the recent meeting of Kilcullen Community Action was told.

KCA chairman Kieron Forde was reporting on a meeting which he'd had with the new town engineer, Willie Purcell, and the architects retained by Kildare County Council to come up with a scheme for the work.

The essentials of the presentation made at the meeting were that new lighting would be installed, the existing railings would be capped, and the footpaths would be resurfaced using a high-quality cobble-lock.

The consultants also showed proposals for tree planting at either end of the bridge, and provisions for hanging baskets on the pillars between the railings.

The phone boxes would also be removed. The consultants also suggested that the footpaths should remain the same width, with any provision for seating being catered for by current riverside developments.

Kieran Forde said he had made it clear that it was the strong feeling in the community that one-off money shouldn't be used for repairing footpaths, but the engineer had said it could otherwise be 20 years before they were repaired under the normal maintenance programme.

"And he made it clear that he had the last word on how the money will be spent, and it won't be on new railings, which could cost in the region of E50,000 on their own."

In the ensuing discussion, the KCA meeting participants decided on the preferred style of lighting, and concluded that a brass capping would be preferable to a wooden one which might be easily vandalised. They also agreed on the suggestions for high-placed hanging baskets, provided the work included the provision of automatic irrigation.

But there was also a fairly robust discussion on the evident difference between the engineer's priorities and the community preferences.

Pat Canny said he believed it was 'gravely wrong' that money provided specifically for the enhancement of the bridge should be 'hijacked' to repair footpaths. He said the community should find out what conditions had originally been made around the provision of the money by the Department of the Environment.

Kieran Forde said it might be worth checking what had been in the formal proposal made by Kildare County Council for the bridge money.

Siobhan Tutty-Bardon said it was 'disingenuous' for the engineer to say that it could take 20 years to have the footpath repaired under normal council maintenance programmes.

Noel Clare pointed out that in Ballymore similiar funding had been spent on footpaths and bollards.

Noel Quinn expressed his worry that any open-ended contract work could see the money 'run out' before the proposed works would be completed.

The overall feeling from the meeting, however, was the the scheme as proposed was 'quite good'.

"I am pleasantly surprised," Esther Kiely commented. "It will enhance the environment."

Brian Byrne.