Sports grant for Field of Dreams
Kilcullen GAA have been awarded €140,484 towards the cost of their Field of Dreams in the latest round of Sports Capital Funding, writes Brian Byrne.
The money is part of a €7,588,000 funding allocated to 67 sports groups in County Kildare, to be used for improvements to infrastructure such as improving playing and training facilities, astro-turfs, handball alleys, walking tracks, hurling walls, and floodlights which will have multiple benefits for communities across the county.
The allocations have been welcomed by Kildare South TD and Minister of State Martin Heydon, pictured above with Martin Murphy of Kilcullen GAA's Development Committee. "I have been happy to support Martin Murphy and the hard working committee at the club who prepared and submitted this application as they plan towards phase 2 of their exciting plans," he said. "Their application included plans for the installation of a double sided skills wall with all weather playing surface and safe enclosure fencing and gates and associated LED lighting. These facilities will benefit the club's current 532 juvenile players and particularly the club's All Stars Programme that caters for children with additional needs to improve their motor skills, and give parents a brief rest period on a weekly basis safe in the knowledge that their children are within a secure facility." He added that, working with Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer, they will continue to support the club's ambitious plans into the future.
The Minister commended the work of the volunteers in all the clubs and groups which were successful in their applications for the funding. "It has been a pleasure to work with and support many of you through this process."
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