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Thursday, April 11, 2024

Screening of Israelism on Friday

A reminder that a screening of the film Israelism will take place in Kilcullen Town Hall tomorrow, Friday 12 April, hosted by a local group of supporters of Palestine, writes Brian Byrne. It follows a recent fundraising Coffee Morning where almost €2,500 was raised towards humanitarian help for the people of Gaza. 
The film is a 2023 American documentary which deals with how the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is depicted in American Jewish education, following two American Jews who revise their views as they learn more directly about the situation.
There will be guest speakers for a Q&A session after the Kilcullen screening —  Jacob Woolf, activist with Jews for Palestine, Ireland, Mohammed Jendia, a Gazan recently arrived in Ireland, and Felicity Heathcote, author of the book Resting Place of the Moon, who worked in Palestine as a clinical psychologist for UNRWA, the UN organisation that provides humanitarian support to civilians in Gaza.
Funds raised on the night and proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to help evacuate Mohammed Jendia's family who are still trapped in Gaza.
Tickets for the evening at €7 can be bought on Eventbrite. Doors open at 7.30pm with refreshments available, and the film starts at 8pm.

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