Community First Responders open to more volunteers
The need for a continuing stream of volunteers was spelled out last night at the Open Evening organised by Kilcullen Community First Responders, writes Brian Byrne. Those attending were provided with a very informative presentation on the work of responders, and the various ways they can be supported, by Amanda Ross, Community Engagement Officer with the HSE National Ambulance Service.
She told the Diary that there has been a very strong growth in community first responder volunteers since the pandemic. "Nationally we now have 264 groups on the system, and there continues to be new groups coming on board," she said. "I think that Covid showed the need for people in communities to help each other, and this is one way that they can make a real contribution."
A number of high-profile cardiac arrest situations in recent times have also raised the awareness of the benefit of having trained volunteer first responders, who can save lives before the medical responders arrive. "The work that Community First Responder groups have done in arranging for defibrillators to be installed in public places has also raised awareness," Amanda Ross says, adding that cardiac arrests don't just happen to people in their elder years. "There are people in their 30s, 40s and 50s experiencing emergencies. That information is getting out there, and more people are realising that this can happen to anybody, at any time and without warning."
Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer, who attended last night's event, said Kilcullen is lucky to have its own Responder group. "But they need our help, support and volunteers," she said. "Not everyone has to respond to calls — volunteers can be treasurer, secretary, or fundraisers in a group."
Kilcullen Community First Responders were reconstituted three years ago and service an area within five kilometres radius of Kilcullen cross-roads. "So that means we cover as far as Brannockstown and Gormanstown, and on the other side towards Kinneagh and Athgarvan," says Kilcullen volunteer Laura Begley, adding that the group can often be called out a number of times a week.
Anyone interested in joining the group can contact Ronan Collier or Laura Begley by emailing
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