Tuesday, January 09, 2024

New book brings together accounts of St Brigid's life

With the Brigid 1500 celebrations revving up to become at least as big a festival event as St Patrick's Day, those interested in depth in the life of the Kildare saint have a new publication which brings together the written accounts of her life, writes Brian Byrne
Two Lives of St Brigid is the first publication that presents together an English translation of both the Life of St Brigid by the churchman Cogitosis and the Vita Prima, medieval texts originally written in Latin. The translations are given along with the original Latin, and were carried out by Professor Philip Freeman, who has also written an introduction.
The work by Cogitosis mainly tells of Brigid's many miracles and her work with the poor, while the second source reports on the legends surrounding the saint and also gives insights into contemporaneous daily life and the role of women, as well as detailing the spread of Christianity in Ireland.
Professor Freeman has taught at Boston University, Washington University, Luther College, and now at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. He is the author of many books based on figures from the classics and religion, including Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, and St Patrick. He has also written fiction Celtic adventure novels, a number of them relating to St Brigid.
Two Lives of St Brigid is available in bookshops (check Woodbine Books) at €19.95 or order online from the publishers Four Courts Press.

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