Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Big turnout supported OT Noel on GAA Lights Up walk

Upwards of 200 people turned out last evening to the Kilcullen GAA Lights Up walk night which kicked off the 2024 series, writes Brian Byrne.
That was more than double the first night turnout of 2023, probably in part due to the Operation Transformation link with local man Noel O'Connell leading the event. He'll be doing so for all eight nights of the Kilcullen GAA Lights Up, and last evening RTE were filming segments for the 2024 OT series in which Noel is a national leader.
After a warmup session conducted by Maurice O'Brien, and a quick pep talk from Noel, the large group walked four times around a 1.25km footpath circuit, giving a total of 5km for those who completed all laps. Members of Kilcullen GAA acted as stewards at the various turning points.
In addition to the GAA Lights Up, the evening was also an opportunity for people to sign up to the MyLife/GAA Every Step Counts challenge 2024, and the numbers gave Kilcullen GAA an early lead in Leinster in that app-based contest.
The club has expressed its thanks on Facebook for the 'incredible support' given to the event and to Noel.
Some of the Diary's pictures from the evening are posted here. All are accessible on this link

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