Sunday, January 14, 2024

Contractor to be appointed for Cnoc na Greine drainage defects

A contractor is to be appointed to carry out remedial works to defective sewer systems in Cnoc na Greine, writes Brian Byrne. After years of representations, Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer has received confirmation from Uisce Éireann (formerly Irish Water) that they have agreed with Kildare Council to fund the works, 'addressing all identified defects'.
The issues experienced in the estate are due to several sewer defects, which include a section of open jointed sewer. UÉ have instructed Kildare County Council to appoint a suitable contractor for the remedial work. "Good news finally," commented Cllr O'Dwyer.
An agreement that the Cnoc na Greine estate would be taken in charge was achieved at a meeting of the Kildare-Newbridge Municipal District in November 2022. Lighting issues in the estate had earlier been addressed at a cost of €50,000.
Previously, when Kilcullen was part of the Naas MD, attempts had been made by several councillors to have the estate taken in charge. In 2018, they were told that the defects in the foul and surface water networks in Cnoc na Greine were holding up the matter and that a tender package was being prepared, but TIC would depend on agreeing funding with Irish Water. 
The building of Cnoc na Greine, with an original plan for 256 houses, was commenced in 2000. In 2002 developers M&D Properties were in dispute with Kildare County Council over a plan to build a link road along part of the estate. 
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