Friday, December 01, 2023

Strong support for An Tearmann petition

A petition to the National Office of the Camphill Communities to reopen the An Tearmann Coffee Shop has gathered more than 500 signatures in Kilcullen, writes Brian Byrne.
The petition has been organised by Simon Pallister, whose daughter Holly is a full time resident in the Bridge Community.
"Holly, like her friends, really misses the interaction at the cafe with the people of Kilcullen," Simon says, "as do the people of Kilcullen themselves."
The petition is available to sign in a number of places around Kilcullen. When completed it will be sent along with a letter from Holly, outlining how very much the people of Kilcullen were disappointed that An Tearmann didn't reopen after Covid.
"An Tearmann was a popular meeting place for local people and could be described as the hub of Kilcullen," she writes. "For the residents in the Bridge Community who helped in the coffee shop, it gave them a great sense of purpose as they were on first name terms with a lot of the customers, who went out of their way to befriend them."
She says that with the closing of the cafe, 'a very important part of their everyday life has gone', and everyone would be most grateful to Camphill if it was reopened in the near future.

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