Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Family Lego Workshop in Ballitore

A family Lego Bricks Workshop event in Ballitore Library next Saturday 9 December still has places left for what should be a really fun afternoon, writes Brian Byrne. The workshop will be conducted by professional brick artist Jessica Farrell, and is for family groups with children aged 7-13. 
Each family team of up to four people must include at least one adult and one child, and the event runs from 2.30pm-4.30pm.
The format will include a number of exercises for which there will be small prizes, but the aim is not so much competition, more fun and family working together. If interested, contact Pauline Fagan, Branch Librarian at the Ballitore Library & Quaker Museum, on 059 8623344 or ballitorelib@kildarecoco.ie.
"One of the aims of the workshop is to encourage families to build together as a shared experience," Pauline says. "It is part of the Family Time at Your Library initiative taking place in all libraries during the month of December to support the involvement of the whole family in children’s reading. These events aim to support a family-focused approach to reading with children as part of the national Right to Read programme and to increase awareness of the benefits of reading and promote reading as a fun, recreational activity for children."
Pauline adds that there will be sweets ... "lots of sweets."
EDITOR'S NOTE: Today's Irish Times reports that Irish teenagers are the second best in the world at reading, up from eighth the last time they were surveyed, and second only to Singapore. Maybe the Family Time at Your Library initiative will be the catalyst to hitting the top spot!

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