Kilcullen Bridge Cinema screenings update
Following the upcoming inaugural night of Kilcullen Bridge Cinema on Wednesday 27 September, featuring The Fablemans, the organisers have provided dates and screenings for October and November, writes Brian Byrne. Tickets for The Fablemans are available in Woodbine Books and on Eventbrite.
Rise, a film by Cédric Klapish, will be shown on Wednesday 11 October, described as 'heartwarming and generous' and following the story of a ballet dancer who suffers career-threatening injuries while on-stage. It is presented with the support of the French Embassy and the Institut Français and there is a student discount available with the promo code is studentrate, booking on Eventbrite.
Living will be shown on Wednesday 8 November, featuring Bill Nighy in what is described as a career-best performance playing a bureaucrat in a 1953 Britain county Public Works department facing a fatal illness and wishing to use the remainder of his time doing some good for the community. Tickets can be booked in advance on Eventbrite.
Tickets for both Rise and Living will be on sale in Woodbine Books closer to the event.