Monday, August 21, 2023

Kilcullen woman leads award-winning Dundalk IT programme

A programme in Dundalk IT aimed at enabling women in careers and businesses will represent Ireland at the European Enterprise Promotion Awards which will take place in Bilboa, Spain this November, writes Brian Byrne. And it is managed by a former Kilcullen student of Cross and Passion College.
Lavina McGahon, formerly Maloney, runs the THRIVE programme, which builds science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) capability, confidence and connections for women entrepreneurs, and intrapreneurs in companies. It is also available to women in non-STEM management or returning to work.
THRIVE was developed at the Regional Development Centre at Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) in partnership with Enterprise Ireland, AIB and Local Enterprise Offices Louth, Cavan and Monaghan. It recently won the national Promoting Entrepreneurial Spirit award, promoting it to the European contest.
Describing it as as an 'honour' for the programme to be representing Ireland, Lavina said "it been an amazing experience watching each one of these talented women grow in confidence, capabilities, and connections as they’ve progressed through the programme.”

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